Remote Fuel Monitoring

Fuel is a significant cost factor in the running of a transport fleet. So effectively monitoring fuel usage is a key component in managing your fleet costs. XNet’s GPS tracking devices allow for remote detection of fuel levels and feedback information on when fuel is added or removed from your vehicle by time and location.

There are five ways to remotely monitor a vehicle’s fuel tank:

  • The vehicle’s own working fuel gauge (the cheapest option)
  • An external Bluetooth wireless fuel level sensor (for older vehicles)
  • Integrating a CANbus solution (see below)

Fuel Monitoring: XNet’s Fuel Monitoring Tracker like fuel management system for trucks gives remote oversight as to where, when and how much fuel was filled into the vehicle’s tank.

Fuel Theft Control: XNet’s fuel theft control system triggers an alert to the driver and the base station in the event of an unauthorised removal of fuel from the vehicle’s tank.

Engine Fuel Consumption Monitoring: XNet’s fuel consumption monitoring technology feeds consumption data directly from the vehicle CanBus, allowing ongoing monitoring of fuel usage.

With the skyrocketing cost of fuel, and the very high probability that drivers will underfill or siphon where they can. This solution will within a few months pay for itself. Let us understand your business and we can help you make your Fleet Fuel Management more efficient.